Meet the Troop Night!

Tuesday, October 8th at 7pm ~ Herndon United Methodist Church

Calling all Webelos, AOLs and anyone interested in scouting! Troop 157 is holding its Meet the Troop Night on Tuesday, October 8th. Come on out to Herndon United Methodist Church at 7pm and meet the scouts of Troop 157. We’ll be cooking dessertadillas, showing everyone how to set up tents and playing some games in the gym. It should be a good time!

A little about our troop… Troop 157 is a small boys troop. You might be thinking, “oh, I want my son to have a great experience in scouts with LOTS of boys!” True, if your son likes a big crowd, this might not be the place for him. The pros however, in my opinion, outweigh the cons. Being a small group has not stopped us from doing a lot of fun things. Since joining last April, my son has gone on lots of campouts, from Gettysburg, whitewater rafting, horseback riding, a high ropes adventure course, summer camp and fishing. He leads. He’s taken on leadership positions he never would have had the opportunity for in a much larger troop. And he cooks A LOT. In fact, he finished all his cooking requirements up through eagle and has become quite proficient in cooking at home.

The troop is small and efficient, enabling them to set up camp, cook and clean up rather quickly, leaving more time for relaxation and fun during campouts. So if this appeals to your son, please bring them on out in a couple weeks for our Meet the Troop night!

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