Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday is the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday and Lent, often the time that Christians give up indulgences. It can often be referred to as “Pancake Day” with it being the last day to partake in rich carbs and sweets (like pancakes!) before the Lenten season. So for this Shrove Tuesday, Troop 157 joined with Troop 1577 to make and serve a pancake supper to the parishioners at Trinity Presbyterian.

The scouts had a blast and the congregation seemed very happy with the delicious results of all the scouts’ hard work!

New Scouts!

We were so excited to welcome four new scouts into our troop back in February. I remember being on the other side of the Blue and Gold banquet, when the scouts were cubs and it was such a fun event to which we always looked forward. But honestly, it was such an honor to be on the receiving end of the Blue and Gold. Knowing all that the AOL’s have accomplished thus far and are due to accomplish in the future is just such a cool perspective. And the fact that they’ve chosen to have that experience with our troop is so flattering and exciting. You can already feel the energy change in the last two meetings that we’ve had… the kids are younger and way more playful. It’s nice to get that young energy back into the troop!

And already, our new scouts have jumped in to provide service at Bready Park with our monthly park cleanup!